DevUtils 1.14 – Color Converter, Random String, PHP tools, +4 new features!
Welcome back to another update of DevUtils! DevUtils now has 40 developer tools! 🥳
In the latest release, DevUtils added 3 new tools, 4 new features, and a lot of improvements and fixes for the existing tools.
Let's dive right into it with these GIFs!
🎨 Color Converter
Parse and convert color codes to popular formats: Hex, RGB, HSL, HSB, CMYK, etc.
Generate code for popular programming languages: CSS, Swift, Java, .NET, etc.
🎞️ PHP → JSON and PHP Serializer/Unserializer
A lot of new PHP tools are added! These PHP tools run on a brand new Scripts Runtime engine added to DevUtils in version 1.14, which will allow you to write custom scripts soon!
🎲 Random String Generator
Generate a secure password or random string easily! Some built-in presets are:
Strong Password
PIN Code
Random String
Random Hex
📁 Tool Groups
Now that the tool list is getting long, you can organize them into groups!
🕑 Frequently Used Tools
Save more time by showing the most frequently used tools on the top!
Simply Right-click → Frequently Used → Show top 5/10/20.
⌨️ More shortcuts!
Save even more time with these keyboard shortcuts:
⇧⌘C Copy Output
⇧⌘R Instant Replace Clipboard
🔤 String Case Converter: more cases!
Added UPPER CASE, lower case, Capitalized Case, Sentence case, Title Case (APA Convention), slug-case.
🎁 Other changes
JSON Formatter now supports input in JavaScript expression.
Added an option to JSON Formatter to disable continuous mode.
Fixed an issue where pressing ⌘/ does not focus on the search bar.
Fixed Cron Job Parser outputs inaccurate human-friendly text in some cases.
Fixed SQL Formatter outputs wrong spacing for some PostgreSQL queries.
Fixed Alfred integration does not automatically open the selected tool when DevUtils is first launched.
Small Changes
Some UI components are refined to make it look better.
The search box is now keyboard friendly.
Added self-help tooltips in various places around the app.
Hit Escape button will now hide the DevUtils window.
DevUtils will no longer support macOS 10.12 and below.
Base64 String Encode/Decode tool now automatically switches to the Base64 Image Encode/Decode tool if the input string is an encoded image.
Introducing "Scripting" panel in the Preferences... window. At the current version, it allows a new set of tools that use PHP runtime as the backend. More customizability and scripting will be added soon in the future versions.
See full change log:
👋 That's all for now!
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See you in the next update.
Happy coding!
– Tony Dinh